Monday, June 24, 2013

How You Can Help in Our Sprint to Our Girl

Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, know that we were praying for 3 things to happen so we could beat the consulate closure in mid-July and not be delayed in getting our girl. 
We would need our Travel Approval to come by last Friday, we would need one of the few Consulate Appointments left for July 9th - 11th, and we would need the provincial government in Anhui to allow us to pick her up on July 1st. Since Friday, all of these things have happened!! We received an email this morning saying we need to be in Anhui on Sunday, to get Ella on Monday, July 1st. That means leaving Friday. Yes, THIS Friday!

We are so excited. And a little bit scared. And panicking just a tiny bit. But I would rather race to my girl with 4 days notice than be delayed 2 weeks or possibly even into August.

A few weeks ago, we were generously awarded a Brittany's Hope Foundation (BHF) grant and our webpage is now active. They will give us a grant of up to $5,000, we just need to raise $2,500. If we do not raise the full matching amount, they will award us whatever has been donated, and ALL of your donations will go to our family, but if we hit $2,500 BHF will double your money up to $5,000. This money will put a major dent in our airline fees and other travel expenses we are incurring in the next 2 weeks.

If you'd like to help us sprint to our girl, please click this link or click on the Brittany's Hope logo up there on the right. You can donate online or you can print out the form on the website. If you can't print the form, I will put the address at the bottom of this post. You just need to send a note that your donation is for The Mickelson Family and they will credit our account. Or you can always stop by Grandma Lois' house and throw some cash at her and we will get it to BHF. We are flexible like that. Brittany's Hope has given us an extension on our fundraising efforts since we are leaving so soon. Our page will be active while we are gone and we will continue to fundraise after we get home as needed.

All donations are tax-deductible and Brittany's Hope will send you a receipt.

Thank you for loving us and supporting us for the last year as we have worked to bring home our girl. Love you all and I cannot wait for you to meet our Ella.
Brittany's Hope Foundation
1160 North Market Street
 Elizabethtown, PA 17022
*please add a note that it is for the Mickelson family

Update 6/26/13: $860 in 24 hours, plus an employee match from Microsoft that hasn't arrived yet. Thank you family & friends! We are a third of the way there! Whoohoo!!

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